- Cubans call free universal healthcare a success Cubans tend to blame their hardships on the U.S. trade embargo. It’s had a crippling effect for sure, but these days even president Castro talks openly about Cuba’s long lists of economic mistakes. But everyone approves of at least one investment the government has made: in free universal healthcare.
- Cuban entrepreneurs create second hand chic So Cuban artists of renown do well abroad, and are gaining traction domestically. But what about Cuba’s lesser known creators and craftsmen?
- Lack of internet forces businesses to innovate Vistar is Cuba’s first independent magazine dedicated to art, culture and nightlife. The people behind this start-up are young, inexperienced and enthusiastic.
- Cuba advancing in biotech and medical treatment Three years ago Cuba’s biotech industries were given unprecedented once-unthinkable freedom to do business,for profit,overseas.
- Art lovers pouring in for Cuban creations Havana’s art epicenter these days is La Fabrica, an industrial warehouse turned mega art space last year.
- Baseball is an everyday passion in Cuba It’s baseball season on the island of Baseball. But just try finding a baseball in stores.
- Cuban businesses struggle to get needed equipment Many Cuban businesses must make-do with old equipment because the embargo prevents them from upgrading.
- Cuban artists and craftsmen embracing change Graphic design, and especially poster art, are Cuban fortes. It’s a mix of art, humor and political commentary known the world around. And with relations between the U.S. and Cuban governments on the mend, there’s rich fodder for their work.
- The characters of Reinventing Cuba Here is Gerry Hadden’s insight into some of the people we profile in Reinventing Cuba.