Three years ago Cuba’s biotech industries were given unprecedented once-unthinkable freedom to do business,for profit,overseas.
“All of these installations cost a lot of money. If you are a poor country, where do you get funds? By exporting our products we get enough money to support research and a high healthcare standard.”
The result? Hundreds of multi-million dollar healthcare deals with dozens of countries, from Brazil to Serbia. Cuba has essentially two things to offer. First, known treatments at much lower prices.
Take bone marrow transplants. The Cubans are good at them. And they cost less than in the U.S. At this Havana Hospital Diane Clayton, from Kingston, Jamaica, is recovering from the procedure.
Then there’s Cuban’s patented Heberprot-P for diabetics. Injections that regenerate ulcers on the feet, helping patients avoid amputations. An estimated 80 thousand Americans could benefit from this Cuban-only treatment.
Cuba is also a leader in curing blood diseases, such as leukemia. The list is long. And for one rare disease Cuba even built a clinic solely for foreigners. The disease: Retinitis Pigmentosa. It’s a degenerative loss of peripheral vision, causing tunnel-vision, then blindness. There’s no cure. But the Cubans figured out how to arrest it.