Against the backdrop of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba which many see as a hopeful opening, some who left the island to escape communism decades ago do not agree with this new era of diplomatic relations.
CCTV America’s Nitza Soledad Perez reports from Miami.
Some members of the Cuban exile community are outraged by U.S. President Obama’s visit to Cuba.
Rolling over a Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara t-shirt is as much as protesters can do to express their frustration.
Some observers say the long-held views held by the older generation of Cuban exiles are getting overtaken.
This loud minority of the Cuban exile community in Miami that oppose the normalization between Cuba and the U.S., keeps shrinking according to the latest national poll.
Nearly six in 10 Americans support the shift in U.S. policy toward the island and most favor ending the trade embargo.
Winds of change have come to Cuba, and there is support in the U.S. But for those who lost so much after the revolution, memories are still too fresh to believe in hope and change.